What is a reverse in duplicate bridge? In bridge, a reverse is a type. There's also a fourth one. The Drury convention is a bridge convention, used to show a game-invitational major suit raise by a passed hand while guarding against a light opening by partner in third or fourth seat. Modified Baze Slam Try Convention For this approach the goes: 1NT - 2♣ - 2M – 4♣ = a balanced slam try with a fit in the bid major 4♦ = a keycard bid with the agreed major After 4♣ one may cue bid or use 4♦ as a “last train” bid to say we have game and mayRESPONDER. As to “in competition,” – a reverse on your auction does show extras. What to do as a responder when you can't bid your second suit at the 2 level because it's higher ranking than your first suit. Examples that are not reverses: (Bidding sequences are Opener-Responder-Opener. This hand has only 8 HCP and may not be worth much on defense, butJump raise or jump rebid of opener’s suit; Reverse in a new suit, i. The major drawback of Bergen raises is that they are pretty much incompatible with 2/1 GF. Using Lebensohl, you would start by bidding 2NT. The main difference is in the meanings of 2-level responses to an opening bid. Opener can and should bid more than 3 when he is too good to. Hence the gap between HCP. If you have 12 or more HCP, open the bidding. With the final bid being a matter of judgment by opener. But, when. Announcing and Alerting Benji Bids. To play System-A against DONT, but System-B. The purpose of the Drury bidding convention is to find out if someone who opened in 3rd or 4th position had a real opening or not. REVERSE BIDS OPENER'S REVERSE BIDS The standard definition of an opener's reverse bid is a bid in a third suit in an uncontested auction which prevents responder from returning to the first suit at the two-level. Play: Reverse Dummy - The typical declarer play involves ruffing declarers losers using the dummy's short suit. In contract bridge, Bergen raises are conventional treatments of responses to a major suit opening in a five-card major system. This video discusses Opener's Reverse - what does show and how to respond to it. " The purpose of the law is to decide whether to play or defend and the level to play, when both sides are bidding, i. When partner responds at the two level, a reverse is forcing to game. - Fluffy. There are three types of. While a reverse doesn’t necessarily require as strong a hand as a jump shift, the style recommended here is to treat a reverse as forcing for one round. As. The bid shows additional strength because it forces responder to go to a higher level to return to the opener’s first suit. 2. Posted 2012-May-09, 15:32. A reverse bid has the. With three hearts opener would have bid 3H over 2S and with three spades opener would have raised 3S to 4S. Opposite a two-level response (1 - 2 ; 2 ) a reverse is forcing to game. After North’s reverse, South knew his side had the values for game. 2 1D-(1H)-P-(2H); 2S is not a reverse, but it is distributional and has great playing strength (partner couldn’t show spades over the 1H bid so is either weak or doesn’t have 4 spades). Reverse Bids Key point: If partner could have as few as 6 points, you must have at least 17 points to force partner to bid at the 3 level (or 2NT). Lower bids are underbids and non-forcing, you fear missing game and not describing your hand correctly. Bid 4NT. Normally, it shows 6 to 12 HCP. This dilemma often comes up when the partner of the opener has a pretty good support hand with around 10-11 points. This section covers responder’s options. After the auction: Partner You 1D 1S 2H 2NT (Lebensohl) 3C. There are two bids responder cannot make after a one–level response with a good hand (8 or more points): either of the weakness signals from the previous section. e. All Bergen raise bids are then artificial and indicate point strength as follows: 3 Clubs – weak hand, 7-10 points. Just when you thought you finally could remember the difference between Bergen Raises and Reverse Bergen Raises, the Combined Bergen Raise made an entrance. 5-10 HCP less than 13 total points. Specifically, Lebensohl is valuable over a reverse in that it allows us to show many different suits in both forcing and non-forcing manners, as Lebensohl generally does after a 1NT opening bid. Medium hand With 16 to 18 total points, opener rebids at the three level or bids a new suit, even when the new. Memahami Reverse Bid. Without some extras, pass. 3. What is a splinter bid in duplicate bridge? A splinter bid is a way of agreeing. Reverse Bridge, and Three-Handed Bridge. A high-reverse bid is made by making a three-level bid in a lower suit than the original bid, after partner or. If you've made a two over one bid, you've shown 10-12 points. As a general rule, with 4-4 in the majors, respond 1H to an opening bid of 1C or 1D, but with 5-5 in the majors, respond 1S regardless of the relative strength of the two suits. The four types of auction are: 1. No. 16+ points: You can make a reverse rebid by bidding your second suit at the lowest level available. The forcing 1NT response is quite straightforward to apply — responder bids 1NT with any hand unsuitable for a two-over-one response. Wolff Sign-off. And no matter what methods you play, it is essential, for anyone aspiring to learn to be a good player, to learn the importance of bidding shape properly. It is similar to 1 ♥ 1 ♠ 3 ♦: a strong jumpshift by opener is game force. Usually attributed to Michael Cappelletti and his longtime partner Edwin Lewis, origin of the concept is also claimed by Fred. For example, if you open 1C and partner has two 4-card majors, he'll always bid 1H to keep the bidding low and give. It is important to emphasize that responder must bid again with an invitational-strengthpartnership to a game contract, and we don’t want to bid 2NT with no real stopper in diamonds. A jumpshift is a jump by opener in a new suit. Henrysun909. What a Reverse Shows. Don't reverse with only 13-16 HCP. How do you recognize a reverse bid? If the opening bid is 1 and responder bids 1♠, opener doesnt have a satisfactory rebid. 28+ HCP. Opener Responder 1♣ 1♠ 2 the last bid is a. Double. The first suit always has greater length than the second. Since a reverse forces responder to bid at the 3-level with a preference for the first suit, such a bid promises significant extra strength. It shows 3+-card trump support and maximum playing values (10+ support points). However, I could also make a Michaels bid with a super hand such as : A K Q 10 5 A K J 10 4 K 2 2. Reverse Rebid A Reverse is a nonjump bid at the two-level in a new suit that ranks higher than the first bid suit. Specifically, it occurs when opener is unbalanced with 16+ points (some players require 17+ points) and hears a one-over-one response from partner. In the card game contract bridge, the Losing-Trick Count (LTC) is a method of hand evaluation that is generally only considered suitable to be used in situations where a trump suit has been established and when shape and fit are more significant than high card points (HCP) in determining the optimum level of the contract. Now playing Lebensohl there are options here, as we can bid 3NT directly or else a forcing 2NT. Opener's jumpshift would be: 1-1-2 of a Major 1-1-2 1-1-2 1-1-3 1-1-3 of a minorPresentation is reverse-chronological. Cappelletti (also called Hamilton and Pottage [1]) is one of many defensive bridge bidding conventions used in the card game contract bridge to compete or interfere in the auction when an opponent has opened one notrump (1NT). New-suit bids by opener do not force responder to bid again unless opener's rebid is: A jump-shift (1D - 1H / 2S or 3C) or A reverse rebid, where his second suit is higher in rank than his first suit (1C - 1S / 2D or 2H) Other new-suit bids by opener -- 1D-1H / 1S or 1D-1H / 2C, for example -- show less-than-forcing values. The only explanation for this terminology is that it ‘reverses’ or ‘turns upside-down’ basic. Playing ReverseOpening the Bidding Suppose you have a good enough hand to open the bidding. It generally shows 17+ HCP with 5+ cards in the first suit and 4+ cards in the second suit. Dodds/Italian –A even card says I like this suit and odd card has suit. although. After North’s reverse, South knew his side had the values for game. One of the most popular bidding systems in the U. Standard Bidding – More Bidding After a Reverse After a reverse in a 3-suited auction, 1X-1Y-2Z, Responder’s weakest action is to bid 3X. The 2 opening bid is a cornerstone of Standard American bidding. This bidding 1♠ is common on equal length suits. The next step in the bidding is opener s second bid or, as it is commonly known, opener s rebid. That's the definition. –The opener’s second bid is at the two level. If South prefers diamonds then they need to bid at the three level. AK1054KQ9862A4Void -- You can also use a reverse bid when your suits are longer than 5-4. It's based on Standard American with 5-card majors. deny the opponents bidding space when they possibly hold the balance of points. ) • 1H-1NT-2C: Responder can bid 2H if responder prefers hearts. The good news is that the auction is far from over. There is no perfect solution but have the conversation with your partner. With balanced hands, the opening is 1NT or 2NT, or the rebid is 1NT or 2NT. . 1 – (1 ) – dbl – (pass) – responder is known to have only a 4-card heart suit. you must go to the 2-level to bid your second suit. I normally give a 30 minute bridge talk on Thursdays at 6:45pm. A (bridge) signal is a move in the card game of contract bridge in which partners defending against a contract play particular cards in a manner which gives a coded meaning or signal to guide their subsequent card play. Your rebid is a reverse if you must go to a higher level to show the suit (1C-1NT- 2S ). Cue-bids after relay promise a stopper. Yes, your partner reversed. Rubber Bridge The form of bridge that can be played by four players at home. 3 Diamonds – invitation to Game, 11-12 high-card points. South if minimum for their 1♠ bid can bid 2♥ if they prefer Hearts to Diamonds. A reverse is a simple bid in a higher ranking suit at the two level. Still, we should stretch to make a natural bid in a competitive. REVERSE. This is not a “convention”. Do not apply this thinking to suits that must be bid on the 2 level. However, with stronger hands -- those where you want to be in game, even if partner has a bare 5-7 pts. Opening bids of 1NT and 1 of a major are very descriptive and give us a good start in the auction, so if. The point count minimum may be relaxed at favorable vulnerability. The higher ranking suit has at least 4 cards. Responder bids 1 . Response to 1 /. The ‘weak-two’ approach to bidding is popular for two main reasons. Just go. He cannot pass. The mainThe Basics. A "Constructive" raise, showing 7-10 points and exactly 4-card trump support. The art of bridge bidding. A reverse, in the card game contract bridge, is a bidding sequence designed to show additional strength without the need to make a jump bid; specifically two suits are bid in the reverse order to that expected by the basic bidding system. After a 1 ♣ opening bid, responses of 1 ♦ and 1 ♥ show heart and spade suits respectively. After partner opens 1 / in third or fourth seat, responder's bids are as follows. Overcaller's available conventional calls are as follows. A reverse promises at least 17 points, and more cards in the rst suit than the second. Bidding: IDAK or IDAC - A defensive bidding system against strong artificial club sequences. Preemptive bid responses are enforced. Yes, you only have 10 high-card points, but the shapeliness of this hand makes it more valuable. If Opener also has 4 cards in that Major, you have found your 8+ Fit. B) Opener's rebid is at a. and you only require ten tricks. See examples of REVERSE used in a sentence. "Good" means more than a single raise to the 2-level. This promises extra values and. Reverse Bids: Opener's Rebid/Breaking the Barrier. Here, you open 1H, partner responds 1NT, and you make a reverse bid of 2S to force. Reverse Bids In bridge, a reverse is a type of bid by opener that shows extra strength. However, with stronger hands -- those where you want to be in game, even if partner has a bare 5-7 pts. After opening 1 in third or fourth seat and getting a 2 Drury response, opener can rebid as follows: Opener's Rebid. reverse (1) (noun) a non-jump bid in a new suit that bypasses a bid in a lower-ranking suit already bid by the same player. Overcall. If playing one-way you pass or bid. Drury convention. There is a reference to my Acol Bidding Sheet on Although not a reverse, it is a very good hand – you must be willing to play 3C opposite crap. Note: A reverse is not the same as a jumpshift. deny the opponents bidding space when they possibly hold the balance of points. Just go. If Responder rebids their own suit at the 2-level, it is forcing for 1-round and shows a good 5-card suit or a 6-card suit. Severe reverse recovery effects of the intrinsic diode is a big problem in the application of CoolMOS™, resulting surge voltage and current, extra switching loss and electro magnetic. However, when the dummy has features such as a long side suit worthy of promotion, the declarer may find a better strategy is to rethink the play of the hand from the dummy's perspective. When you make a reverse bid, you are said to be 'breaking your barrier' to show 16 or more High Card Points. A response of 4 would be a trans-fer to 4 , allowing the contract to be played from partner’s side. If Responder wants to choose Opener's first suit, she has to bid on the three level. If partner bids 1S, splinter by making a jump reverse to 3D which promises 4 spades and both invites game and shows shortness. A Bridge World survey showed a 75 percent consensus approving the Last Train convention, with the following definition: “Any time there is only one call that indicates slam interest or. Learn to play. It can be , a transfer, a 2-suiter, a 3-suiter, an either-or, a reverse upside down poisoned dragon, whatever. Th e advantage of the 2/1 System is that it allows the partnership to know that game is possible with only a single bid. According to Terence Reese, the system's main devisers were Maurice Harrison-Gray, Jack Marx and S. In summary, responder’s reverse is usually used as simply a forcing bid, when looking for the best contract. When partner responds at the two level, a reverse is forcing to game. Cappelletti (also called Hamilton and Pottage) is one of many defensive bridge bidding conventions used in the card game contract bridge to compete or interfere in the auction when an opponent has opened one notrump (1NT). Since you denied 4 spades, opener's rebid 2♠ is unusual and hence a reverse. The partnership will be playing in an eight-card fit. Over a major-suit opening, 2NT is a conventional bid showing a forcing raise. Any reverse absolutely, without any room for exception whatsoever, promises more length in the first suit than the second. Tagged: Level: 5. 1NT response denies 4-card major. We have created a standard convention card for GIB. Responder makes the cheapest bid from either the fourth suit or 2NT to show a hand that has no game interest. This convention was named for Monroe Ingberman of New York, who was a mathematician and bridge player. Secondly, it follows the modern trend in bridge to be destructive rather than constructive – i. Partner’s first obligation is to raise hearts with three-card support. An example auction: ♠K ♥AK52 ♦T92 ♣AK643 You Partner 1♣ 1♠ 2♥ Forcing? Yes, a reverse is forcing. Introduction. Responder can "reverse" his bid order too, sometimes known as "breaking his barrier", to show he has 12 points or more. Bergen is ON with any interference if it is still a jump. American Contract Bridge League See: ACBL American Whist Movement. /1♠: - 6+ points with at least four cards in the new suit. Bergen raises are artificial jump bids to the 3 level and are used to indicate support of at least four cards in the opener’s trump suit. reverse bid is a second bid in a new suit at the two level by opener in a higher ranking suit than opener's first bid suit. If you hold a good 5-5, your choices are open the higher suit and rebid the lower without jumping, or open the higher and jump in the lower. In the card game contract bridge, a forcing bid is any call that obliges the partner to bid over an intermediate opposing pass…. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examplesBENJAMINISED ACOL (Reverse) BENJAMINISED ACOL. Partner can return to your first suit but must now go to the 3 level. By bidding 2 ♥, partner will now know you have this 6-5 distribution and bid accordingly. Double raise = limit (also in competition) 3 NT = balanced forcing raise (off in competition) Splinter bids (in comp. Th e advantage of the 2/1 System is that it allows the partnership to know that game is possible with only a single bid. 15th September 2017. Top Popular Conventions. 5440 hands are both “2-suited” and “3-suited” - these are. Biasanya, pegangan opener itu tidak balanced dan pegang 16+ High Card Point yang selanjutnya disingkat HCP. A jump-shift is where the bidder bids one level higher than they needed to. After Opener's Reverse: As to the follow-ups, after, say 1 -1 -2, I recommend: 2 = 5+ spades, 1-round force. Here we focus on a constructive bidding tool that will allow us to show hands that contain both Majors - Reverse Flannery. Opener has made a 2 level reverse bid and responder has a weak hand. Now playing reverse attitude, it seems to me that it's not so easy. You gain nothing by bidding more slowly. 1NT-2; 2-3; 3-4 or 4 shows. which is based on the same principal of having a wider range of hands. Now, Kleinman has suggested (perhaps not seriously) as playing. He was also known for Fragment or Splinter bids and the 3NT response as a forcing Major raise. So, because the reverse bid is unwieldy, it is to be avoided. Reverse Bids In bridge, a reverse is a type of bid by opener that shows extra strength. This method, called Reverse Flannery, is particularly effective after a 1C/1D opening. Kaplan-Sheinwold (KS) adopts a 5-card Major approach with a weak No-trump opening, ranging from 12-14 HCP. 4. (Page of 4) Prev. Opener's reverse promises at least invitational values. After 1-MAJ (DOUBLE) : A raise to two of the major is very weak – about 3-7 points in support and 3-card support. ) Jump-Reverse Auctions. Bid diamonds, then clubs, then clubs again if you get the chance. On the second auction, if you have a minimum, 2 ♦ is more economical than 2 ♥. A reverse bid is a player’s rebid of a higher ranking suit than the suit that they originally bid. Technically, this is called "Reverse-Drury" since it is opposite of how it was first invented. Precise methods and definitions vary with country, bidding system and partnership agreements. By bidding 2 , partner will now know you have this 6-5 distribution and bid accordingly. Responses to 1. ) Called a “reverse” because it is “normal” to bid the higher. ) (a,b,c, should be bid in sequence if multiple options) d. It shows extra strength without the need to ‘jump bid’, specifically a distributional. Page 1. is made when partner's response forces you to the 3-level to show your second suit (for. for a jump to three in your suit, consider a jump shift (or reverse) in a good three-card suit. 1. and played by bridge players for many years. must be a jump cue) 1 NT = 6-12 (forcing) 2 NT = 13+ unlimited (11-12 in competition) Two-over-one GF unless responder rebids same suit. With two-way you bid 2 ♥. Then the bid must be alerted and announced as a game-forcing auction. The 'barrier' is in the same suit as the opening bid, but one higher. We are going to focus on opener’s reverse for now. 1M 3c = 9-12. Origins. The. Blackwood. Opener's rebid - 'reversing', or 'going through the barrier'. Opener's Jump Shift (Strong Jump Shift) typically show 19-22 points, thus game forcing when responder freebid shows 6+ points. If opener is minimumish, he should not reverse – even if the opponents come into the auction. ”. Acol is a natural system of bidding, meaning that your bidding is normally a declaration of your holding and. it is more useful in competitive auctions. What Is a Reverse In Bridge Bidding? •A reverse occurs when the opener’s rebid (the second bid) meets the following conditions: –The opener’s second bid is in a higher ranking suit than the first bid. Introduction. Read hundreds of bridge bidding conventions used in contract bridge. 1 S - 2S; 2N. This dilemma often comes up when the partner of the opener has a pretty good support hand with around 10-11 points. What is a Reverse •In bridge, a reverse is a type of bid by opener that shows extra strength. The purpose of bidding is for each partnership to ascertain which contract, whether made or defeated and whether. " All other actions are as if they passed. Billy Miller wrote an article in the Bridge Bulletin about Modified Baze (Dec 2010). game if East had a full opening bid. Here are a few bidding tips to start you off: Before opening, add your high card points (HCP): Ace = 4, King = 3, Queen = 2, Jack = 1. If you've made a two over one bid, you've shown 10-12 points. Had he bid 3 , North would have been forced to bid 4 and miss the cold NT game. Normally the weak-two refers to a major, but it is becoming common to include a weak diamond suit. Definition. What is a reverse and what does it show. Here is where you can practice Bidding with a partner. Any player can reverse, though the. If the opener has a minimum hand, he bids no higher than 2♦. With a 6-card minor and a 5-card major you have a tough decision. Other examples of Opener’s Reverse: 1♣ 1♥ 2♦ and 1♥ 1NT 2♠ To reverse, Opener needs a medium or maximum strength hand – 17+ points – since Responder might be forced to go to the 3-level to show as few as 6 points; and, the first bid suit must be longer than the second bid suit. The opener's partner must bid again. There are two bids responder cannot make after a one–level response with a good hand (8 or more points): either of the weakness signals from the previous section. A splinter by making a jump reverse of 3H which promises 4 spades and both invites game and shows shortness in hearts. -. Essentially, • An Opening bid of 2 or 2 shows a STRONG hand • While an Opening bid of 2 or 2 shows a WEAK hand. In normal bidding systems, a response of 2 in a minor to an opening One bid in the same minor (1 Diamond-2 Diamonds or 1 Club-2 Clubs) indicates a fairly weak had but. In response always bid the longest suit first. As. Opener s hand has the strength to jump to 3 , but the suit is less than substantial. It has four losers. Responder bids 1 . 20, 2019. To cope with interference, you need to do a little studying and memorizing. . 3. responses to overcalls. 4. George Boehm originally attributed the convention resolving. Precise methods and definitions vary with country, bidding system and partnership agreements. With a maximum hand (19–21 or 22 points) opener must make a very strong rebid: Jump in Notrump;f. Reverse Drury In the original version of Drury, opener bid 2 ♦to show a light opening. It shows about 17-20. Reverse Bids In bridge, a reverse is a type of bid by opener that shows extra strength. The purpose of the Inverted Minors convention is to investigate the possibility of making a 3-NT game. Opener is too strong to rebid 3 , and. various responses to a reverse bid of opener. to 1 NT. Definition. This entails a 2 Drury bid which promises exactly (only) 3-card support. If playing three-way you bid 2 ♦ opposite 1♣ or rebid 2 ♥ opposite 1 ♦ (as opposite 1 ♦ one plays two-way). A 2♠ rebid would constitute a reverse and show a strong opening hand, certainly stronger than this. Lesson 5. Reverse definition, opposite or contrary in position, direction, order, or character: an impression reverse to what was intended; in reverse sequence. 4. This informative bid should help your partnership to reach the best contract. S. The concept of the Ingberman convention deals with bidding situations, in which the partner reverses and the. In this instance, however, you can only bid 2 ♥ if the agreement allows for 5-5 weak hands. Typical jump-reverse auctions that carry this meaning include:What is a reverse in duplicate bridge? In bridge, a reverse is a type of bid by opener that shows extra strength. Transfer Walsh is a bidding convention used in contract bridge. Sequence C is also a reverse re-bid as South needs to bid to the three level if they. This lesson is concerned with responder jump shifts. If you’re 5-5 in the minors: Open 1D. The first is, I'd rather not play in "your" suit (clubs) nor the opponent's suit (diamonds). Unlike Standard American, this bid is not limited to 6 to 9 HCP. 1♥-2♥-2♠* (asks partner would accept a HSGT i. This is sometimes referred to as partial Criss Cross bids. Wrong! This led to a penalty (minus 500 which should have been 800) whereas the safer double would fetch a 1 bid. reverse the meanings of Standard Carding. What is a Reverse •In bridge, a reverse is a type of bid by opener that shows extra strength. 4 plus 7 = 11. We tend to treat them as unbalanced hands, but nothing is easy. We wouldn't want to bid to 2NT or three of a suit when both partners have minimum hands. ). A 7 4 K J 10 7 3 2 8 6 5 3 Bid 2 showing a one suiter. Variations on Benji. Secondly, it follows the modern trend in bridge to be destructive rather than constructive – i. If the total is 15, open the bidding. o) 3 ♦ - 16 points. If the opening bid is 1 and responder bids 1♠, opener doesnt have a satisfactory rebid. *With a game against nothing, doubler may bid something else **Generally defined as around 7 pointsThe Reverse Bidding Convention 30 minute mini lesson. This would apply in Example 1: over partner’s 1♠ response, a reverse by opener to 2 ♥ is forcing for one round. Thus, in the sequence. Although this sequence is highly encouraging and will seldom be passed. 2007 Trials Deals. B) Opener's rebid is at a HIGHER level than responder's response ( but never a jump !) REVERSE BIDDING REVERSE BIDDING (The word ‘reverse’ can be very misleading. Opponent interferes with an opening Notrump auction. Over a minor-suit opening, 2NT shows a balanced hand limited to 13 to 15 points. Responder’s next bid will show whether game is possible or not. -- you can refuse the relay and bid past 3C. Example: 1: Pass: 1: Pass: 2: Pass: 3: We play Bergen over 1st or 2nd seat openings, and use 2 Way Reverse Drury over 3rd and 4th seat openers, but the Bergen 3 bid can still be used by a passed hand to show 4 trump and 6-9 HCP. 2NT forces opener to bid 3, enabling responder to sign off at the 3 level. Responder's Reverse Bids are an inferentially a Forcing bid. e. Responder’s hands can be subdivided into one of five hand patterns, two supporting opener’s first or second bid suits, two based on one or two-suited hands, the last expressing a balanced hand. 18 or more points: Raise to 3NT if your hand is semi-balanced and you have 19+ points (or a very strong 18 points). should bid 2 , a conventional waiting bid. ; When 2 is overcalled, then double is for takeout. 4-Responder makes a 1-level bid that bypasses your 5-card suit -- i. This is a replay of Rob Barrington's Live Lesson on Reverses. You will meet players who play Reverse Benji where the 2 # and 2" bids are reversed and others who use 2 # as their only strong opening bid at the two level with all others being weak. If playing "Inverted," the raise from 1 to 2 (or 1 to 2) is 10+ and the raise from 1 to. Specifically, responder cannot bid 2NT or rebid his suit. This view is corroborated by Albert Dormer (The New Complete Book of Bridge, 1996), although both these later works suggest that responder's reverse need not show more than about 10 hcp, so presumably a minimum. : If your hand is 2-2-5-4 with a stopper in the unbid suit, consider a notrump rebid. Bidding Conventions /.